
[要約]ノンプログラマーでもサードパーティーのアプリケーションでChatGPTを活用できる最先端のAIアプリケーションであるChatGPTプラグインにスポットを当てた記事です。ChatGPTプラグインを組み込むことで、スポーツスコアや株価、最新ニュースなどのリアルタイムな情報検索、会社資料や個人メモなどの知識ベースのデータアクセス、フライト予約や食事注文などのアクション実行代行などの機能拡張が可能になります。このプラグインは、マニフェストファイルとAPIエンドポイントを利用することで実装を簡略化し、プログラミングの専門知識がない人でも利用できるようになっています。また、この記事では、プラグインの作成プロセスの概要を説明し、ユーザーがChatGPT UIでプラグインを有効にして利用する方法について説明しています。





ChatGPT UIにプラグインを登録する。




“””タイトル プログラミングなしでAIの力を引き出す: 誰でも使えるChatGPTプラグイン





ケーススタディです: スポーツ好きのジェームスは、ChatGPTプラグインをお気に入りのスポーツアプリに統合しました。現在、彼はChatGPTに尋ねるだけで、ゲームのスコアやスタッツのリアルタイム更新を簡単に得ることができます。


テスティモニアル マーケティング担当のサラさんは、ChatGPTプラグインを使って社内のナレッジベースを検索しています。彼女は、会議やプレゼンテーションの際に素早く情報にアクセスするのに非常に役立っていると感じています。


視覚的な補助: ChatGPTプラグインがユーザーの代わりにアクションを実行するために様々なAPIとどのように相互作用するかを示すフローチャートを含めてください。


ChatGPTプラグインを作成するには、プラグインに関するメタデータ(名前、ロゴなど)、認証の詳細、およびAPIエンドポイントを含むマニフェストファイルを開発する必要があります。このファイルを yourdomain.com/.well-known/ai-plugin.json でホストします。

ChatGPT UIにプラグインを登録する。
ChatGPT UIでプラグインモデルを選択し、””””プラグイン””””、””””プラグインストア””””に移動し、””””未確認プラグインをインストール””””または””””独自のプラグインを開発””””を選択してプラグインの登録をします。OAuth 2のclient_id、client_secret、APIキーなど、必要な認証情報を提供する。





ケーススタディ 旅行代理店のSusanは、ChatGPTプラグインを開発し、予約サービスへのアクセスにユーザー認証が必要なサービスを提供しました。彼女は、顧客の個人情報を保護し、安全な体験を提供するためにOAuthを実装しました。



ビジュアルエイド ChatGPTプラグインの利点とアプリケーションを要約したインフォグラフィックを含める。


お客様の声 ティム、中小企業の所有者は、彼の会社のカスタマーサポートシステムにChatGPTプラグインを統合しました。彼は、複雑なプログラミングを必要とせずに、応答時間と顧客満足度を大幅に向上させることができることを発見しました。


ビジュアルエイド: 読者が自分のアプリケーションにChatGPTプラグインを組み込めるように、コールトゥアクションのグラフィックを挿入します。



[A1]: The article highlights the ChatGPT plugin, a cutting-edge AI application that allows non-programmers to leverage ChatGPT in third-party applications. By integrating the ChatGPT plugin, users can enjoy enhanced functionality, such as real-time information retrieval (e.g., sports scores, stock prices, and latest news), knowledge-based data access (e.g., company documents and personal notes), and action execution on behalf of users (e.g., flight booking and food ordering). The plugin simplifies implementation by utilizing manifest files and API endpoints, making it accessible to those without programming expertise. The article also outlines the plugin creation process, discussing how users can enable and engage with the plugin in ChatGPT UI.



ChatGPT plugin overview
Benefits for non-programmers
AI Applications

Real-time information retrieval
Knowledge-based data access
Action execution on behalf of users
How to Implement

Creating and hosting manifest files
Registering the plugin in ChatGPT UI
User enabling and starting a conversation
Potential Challenges

API call limitations
Authentication and user verification

Relevance and accessibility of ChatGPT plugin for non-programmers
Future prospects for AI application expansion


Title: Unleash the Power of AI without Programming: ChatGPT Plugin for Everyone


In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence (AI), it can seem like only those with advanced programming skills can leverage the benefits of AI. However, the ChatGPT plugin is here to change that narrative. This cutting-edge AI application enables non-programmers to integrate ChatGPT into third-party applications and utilize its powerful features. In this blog post, we’ll explore the relevance, benefits, and accessibility of ChatGPT plugin for people without programming expertise.

AI Applications

Real-time information retrieval
Imagine being able to fetch real-time information like sports scores, stock prices, or the latest news with just a simple question. The ChatGPT plugin makes this possible by connecting to APIs that provide up-to-date information. For instance, if you’re interested in the latest football game score, you can simply ask ChatGPT, and it will retrieve the information from a sports API in real-time.

Case study: James, a sports enthusiast, integrated the ChatGPT plugin into his favorite sports app. Now, he can easily get real-time updates on game scores and stats simply by asking ChatGPT.

Knowledge-based data access
The ChatGPT plugin can also access knowledge bases such as company documents or personal notes. This feature is particularly beneficial for professionals who need quick access to critical information. By connecting to an API that searches through the knowledge base, ChatGPT can retrieve relevant data in response to user queries.

Testimonial: Sarah, a marketing executive, uses ChatGPT plugin to search through her company’s internal knowledge base. She finds it incredibly helpful in accessing information quickly during meetings and presentations.

Action execution on behalf of users
One of the most exciting features of the ChatGPT plugin is its ability to execute actions on behalf of users. For example, you can ask ChatGPT to book a flight, make a dinner reservation, or order food delivery. By connecting to the appropriate API, ChatGPT can perform these tasks without any programming knowledge.

Visual aid: Include a flowchart demonstrating how ChatGPT plugin interacts with various APIs to execute actions on behalf of users.

How to Implement

Creating and hosting manifest files
To create a ChatGPT plugin, you’ll need to develop a manifest file containing metadata about the plugin (name, logo, etc.), authentication details, and API endpoints. Host this file at yourdomain.com/.well-known/ai-plugin.json.

Registering the plugin in ChatGPT UI
Register your plugin in the ChatGPT UI by selecting the plugin model from the dropdown menu, navigating to “Plugins,” “Plugin Store,” and then choosing “Install an unverified plugin” or “Develop your own plugin.” Provide any necessary authentication information, such as OAuth 2 client_id, client_secret, or API key.

User enabling and starting a conversation
Users will need to manually enable the plugin in the ChatGPT UI. Once enabled, users can begin conversing with ChatGPT, which will intelligently call the plugin’s API when relevant queries are made.

Potential Challenges

API call limitations
When developing a ChatGPT plugin, it’s essential to consider API call limitations, as they may affect the plugin’s functionality. To minimize text length and ensure optimal performance, it’s recommended to expose only one or two endpoints with minimal parameters.

Authentication and user verification
If your plugin requires authentication, users will need to go through an OAuth process or provide an API key. For POST requests , developers must also build a user verification flow to ensure the appropriate level of security and privacy.

Case study: Susan, a travel agent, developed a ChatGPT plugin that required user authentication to access booking services. She implemented OAuth to protect her clients’ personal information and provide a secure experience.


The ChatGPT plugin represents a significant step forward in making AI accessible to everyone, regardless of their programming skills. Its versatile applications, such as real-time information retrieval, knowledge-based data access, and action execution, can enhance the functionality of third-party applications and provide valuable services to users.

Visual aid: Include an infographic summarizing the benefits and applications of ChatGPT plugin.

As more people adopt ChatGPT plugins, we can expect an increased demand for innovative AI-powered solutions across various industries. Whether you’re a sports enthusiast like James, a busy professional like Sarah, or a developer like Susan, the ChatGPT plugin offers a wealth of opportunities to harness the power of AI without the need for programming expertise.

Testimonial: Tim, a small business owner, integrated the ChatGPT plugin into his company’s customer support system. He found that it significantly improved response times and customer satisfaction, all without the need for complex programming.

In the future, we anticipate the development of even more advanced AI applications that cater to non-programmers, further democratizing access to AI technology. As AI continues to permeate every aspect of our lives, tools like the ChatGPT plugin will be instrumental in empowering individuals and businesses to harness its potential.

Visual aid: Include a call-to-action graphic inviting readers to explore and integrate ChatGPT plugin in their own applications.

Now is the perfect time for non-programmers to explore the world of AI and take advantage of the ChatGPT plugin’s capabilities. By embracing this cutting-edge technology, you can unlock new opportunities, streamline tasks, and elevate your personal or professional life to new heights. Don’t let a lack of programming expertise hold you back—embrace the power of AI with the ChatGPT plugin today!

